Ольга Кирсова
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Поделиться9012011-11-09 14:49:58
Поделиться9022011-11-09 14:55:39
Анастасия Хныкина
привет, Насть )
Поделиться9032011-11-09 14:57:06
Ольга Кирсова
как дела и все такое?
Поделиться9042011-11-09 15:07:35
Анастасия Хныкина
фигово, пытаюсь инглиш делать..
Поделиться9052011-11-09 15:09:19
Ольга Кирсова
может быть как-нибудь помочь тебе?)
Поделиться9062011-11-09 15:10:04
Анастасия Хныкина
ты за меня эссе напишешь?
Поделиться9072011-11-09 15:11:26
Ольга Кирсова
смотря на какую тему
Поделиться9082011-11-09 15:14:50
Анастасия Хныкина
эмм .. на тему: Do you agree that material success does not necessarily bring happiness?
Поделиться9092011-11-09 15:16:12
Ольга Кирсова
ну я могу по русски тебе написать)) а ты уже переведешь на английский))
Поделиться9102011-11-09 15:18:41
Анастасия Хныкина
так не пройдет, а жаль хдд там структура совсем другая и переформулировать долго )) но спасибо за предложение ))
Поделиться9112011-11-09 15:20:40
Ольга Кирсова
на такие темы я могу только на русском обсуждать)))
Поделиться9122011-11-09 16:31:34
Ольга Кирсова
Оленька, интернет тебе в помощь. тут исключительно по теме, я оценил) почитай, да составь что-нибудь свое, ну или скопируй, если есть возможность)
When most people think of happiness and being successful they think of owning big houses, fast cars, expensive designer clothes and how big of a bank balance you have, however, how successful and happy you are does not necessarily depend on the material things you have in life.
If you are happy in life with what you have got regardless of the material possessions that you own or don't own, then you are a very wealthy and successful person indeed. It is very often the smallest things in life which are priceless but are not of any great value other than the particular person who cherishes them for one reason or another, these can be photographs, cards, a song or even memories can be precious to an individual.
In a society where we have been brought up believing material possessions are what is important it can be hard to believe that owning material possessions isn't what makes us happy and brings success, how common it is to hear someone say "if only I had this or that, I would be the happiest person on earth", however should we get what it is we wish for we are never satisfied and only begin to dream and wish we had something better. The newness of having a material possession soon wears off, and this pattern is continued throughout life in the majority of people. This is perhaps easier to realize if you think back to when you were a child, your parents would spend hundreds of dollars on birthdays and Christmas presents because you had to have that "special" toy, but how quickly they were discarded when something new came onto the scene.
The same applies to wealth, it doesn't matter how much money you had, would you really think that you had enough? Would having a bank account with thousands of dollars make such a difference to your life, would it bring you anymore happiness or success than you have now?
We all want to live a comfortable life, without struggling each month to pay bills, that's only natural, but apart from that money doesn't bring true happiness and success, you can have thousands in the bank but if you're alone in life, without real friends and family, without love, then you can never find true happiness and success.
There is a saying: "Money does not bring happiness!" In my opinion, this is entirely true. Money should never be a reason for living, even if the large majority of people surrounding us actually believe in such a crazy idea. I can only pity them, as my purpose in the present work is not providing answers, but raising questions. You are the ones to judge for yourselves and draw the right conclusions regarding your own life and beliefs.
As a general rule for the sane individual, life must be more than just work and struggle to raise more and more money. The interesting thing is that, no matter how rich one gets, you will always wish for more. It is not a scarce happening when people got to doing stupid and illegal things, just to get their hands on a larger am ount of money. The more interesting thing is that as quickly as they earn this fast money, the quicker they spend it!
Therefore, can we state that the rich people are not necessarily happy? The answer is yes, when considering the fact that they keep struggling to make more money than they already have. Rich people are not happy and have surely not made peace with their bank account. Instead of playing this insane game, they should spend quality time with their families, presuming these people were wise enough to care for this matter too. Unfortunately, most of them are complete disasters regarding family life, whether it is divorce, celibacy or children that have picked up the worst habits.
What is the point of owning the most beautiful house on a riverside or having your own private plane to get there, if there is no one to enjoy it with? Can the rich people make the difference between true friends and friends who just want to take advantage of their wealth? As you can see, there are many issues which will probably never get a perfectly good answer. The most important thing is to try and live a balanced life, so that you are never in danger of falling in either one of the extremes, at least in what money is concerned.
Everybody aims at having a lot of money in order to be able to make all his dreams come true. People say that,generally, money brings happiness, but is it an absolute happiness?
We could say that money brings happiness but only to a certain extent: one can have almost everything he wants in matters of the lastest fashion, a comfortable house, the best car and holidays in exotic places. It is very pleasant not to think that you won't have enough money to pay your bills or to give your children for their ever day necessities. These frustrations make one feel very unlucky when he sees how others spend great amounts of money on expensive clothes or just to take dinner in a restaurant.
But on the other hand there are a lot of poor people who feel very happy only because they have a nice family, based on confidence and good communication. They consider happiness comes with love between the members of the family or with a walk in the forest on a sunny day. This makes some people understand that there are other beauties life can offer except those given by money.
However, we should not forget the fact that there are rich persons who aren't happy because life was a little harsh with them. They have probably lost a very dear person, they have serious health problems, they feel that they don't have good friends, or they just feel that something misses from their lives. That's why we can admit that sometimes money doesn't bring complete happiness.And here we can add an interesting apect: we can think of famous persons like singers, actors or sportmen and women. They feel very comfortable because they have enough money to spend on whatever they want to, but at the same time they feel very harassed by external factors such as mass-media, paparazzi or even their fans. Their movements and actions are always analized and celebrities have to take care of their image constantly and try to avoid making mistakes.
To conclude, we can say that material success breeds happiness but not always and people should appreciate other pleasures life gives us at every instant.
Поделиться9132011-11-09 16:34:09
привет чуваки и чувихи
Поделиться9142011-11-09 16:40:37
Настя Клюева
Поделиться9152011-11-09 16:43:12
Анастасия Хныкина
и вам вечер добрый
как день и все прочее?
Поделиться9162011-11-09 16:46:21
Настя Клюева
да нормально все, если не считать болезнь
а ты как?
Поделиться9172011-11-09 16:48:36
Анастасия Хныкина
да сама такая же
Поделиться9192011-11-09 18:33:07
есть кто?
Поделиться9202011-11-09 18:33:45
София Плужник
оууу, да
Поделиться9212011-11-09 18:49:34
Светлана Давыдова
ну тогда привет)
Поделиться9232011-11-09 19:55:06
Ольга Михайлова
Поделиться9242011-11-09 19:55:50
Нелли Ермолаева
Поделиться9252011-11-09 19:57:29
Ольга Михайлова
как дела? что что
Поделиться9262011-11-09 19:59:29
Нелли Ермолаева
хорошо, а у тебя?
Поделиться9272011-11-09 20:02:34
Ольга Михайлова
сойдеееееет я не хочу завтра в универ
Поделиться9282011-11-09 20:04:12
Нелли Ермолаева
почему? а я хочу
Поделиться9292011-11-09 20:06:04
Ольга Михайлова
к первой паре спаать хочу. как так ты хочешь?
Поделиться9302011-11-09 20:08:58
Нелли Ермолаева
мне всегда к первой паре. будем опять от мальчиков на большой перемене бегать от снежков и чуть ли не падать